Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Thousand Islands


Thousand Islands consist of coral islands as much as 105 units with a total area of 8.7 kmТВ mainland. Temperatures throughout the year generally range between 21 ТАC-32 ТАC with an average humidity is 80%.

Group of Islands
Thousand Islands is an archipelago located in the north of Jakarta, directly facing the bay of Jakarta. FRAMES His name does not mean the islands within the cluster kepualaun it amounted to a thousand. The number of the island is only about 342 islands, including the islands of sand and coral reefs that vegetation or not. Sand and coral reef island itself is numbered 158. Not all islands are included in the Thousand Islands group of human beings inhabited. Like many other islands in Indonesia, most of the islands in the Thousand Islands are uninhabited. FRAMES cluster has the potential for the development of no small variety of industries, including mining, fisheries and tourism is the most important.


Tourist attractions transportation from the pier Marina Ancol, Jakarta is served by a speedboat owned vessels or in cooperation with the owner of the resort island. Travel time from Marina Ancol jetty tours to the islands that became a tourist destination depends on the distance, weather conditions and speed of ships used.
Departure from Marina Ancol ship to the islands resorts in the morning hours are generally 08:00 or 09:00 hrs and returned from the islands to the Marina Ancol resort at 13:30 hours or 14:00 hours, depending on the resort island destination.
Public transportation is also available from the Marina Ancol by using government-operated ferry Administrative District Thousand Islands named Transjakarta Dolphins and Grouper.

Torism Islands Destinations

Kahyangan Island, Pabelokan Island, Bidadari Island, Onrust Island, Edam Island, Kelor Island, Rambut Island, Ayer Island, Puteri Island, Matahari Island, Sepa Island. For divers destination, you can visite Kotok Island, Papa Theo island, Peniki island, Matahari island, Gosonglaga island, Sepa island and Semak Daun island.

Jumat, 23 April 2010

Lake Toba

Lake Toba is a volcanic lake with a length of 100 kilometers and 30 kilometers wide, located in North Sumatra province, Indonesia. In the middle of this lake there is a volcanic island called Samosir Island.
Lake Toba has long become an important tourist destination in addition to Bukit Lawang, North Sumatra and Nias, attracting domestic and foreign tourists.

Minggu, 11 April 2010

Komodo Island

Komodo Island is an island located in the Nusa Tenggara Islands. Komodo Island is known as a habitat for animals native Komodo dragon. This island is also the Komodo National Park which is managed by the Central Government. Komodo Island to the west of Sumbawa Island, separated by Sape Strait.
Administratively, these islands including Komodo district, West Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Komodo Island is the most western tip of Nusa Tenggara Timur province, bordering the province of West Nusa Tenggara.
Komodo Island, Komodo dragons animals live and breed well. Until August 2009, on this island there are about 1300 male Komodo dragon. Coupled with the other islands, such as Island and Rinca and Gili Motang, their numbers totaled about 2500 dragons. There are also around 100 dragons Wae Wuul Nature Reserve on the mainland island of Flores but was not included in the Komodo National Park.
Besides dragons, this island also store a variety of exotic flora Sepang wood by local people used as medicine and dye clothes, this nitak tree or sterculia oblongata in believe are useful as medicines and seeds such as crispy and tasty peas.

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010


Candi Borobudur or Borobudur Temple

Borobudur is a ninth-century Mahayana Buddhist monument in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The monument comprises six square platforms topped by three circular platforms, and is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. A main dome, located at the center of the top platform, is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues seated inside perforated stupa.
The monument is both a shrine to the Lord Buddha and a place for Buddhist pilgrimage. The journey for pilgrims begins at the base of the monument and follows a path circumambulating the monument while ascending to the top through the three levels of Buddhist cosmology, namely Kāmadhātu (the world of desire), Rupadhatu (the world of forms) and Arupadhatu (the world of formlessness). During the journey the monument guides the pilgrims through a system of stairways and corridors with 1,460 narrative relief panels on the wall and the balustrades.
Evidence suggests Borobudur was abandoned following the fourteenth century decline of Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms in Java, and the Javanese conversion to Islam. Worldwide knowledge of its existence was sparked in 1814 by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, the then British ruler of Java, who was advised of its location by native Indonesians. Borobudur has since been preserved through several restorations. The largest restoration project was undertaken between 1975 and 1982 by the Indonesian government and UNESCO, following which the monument was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Borobudur is still used for pilgrimage; once a year Buddhists in Indonesia celebrate Vesak at the monument, and Borobudur is Indonesia's single most visited tourist attraction.

Borobudur Temple

Candi Prambanan or Prambanan Temple

Prambanan is the ninth century Hindu temple compound in Central Java, Indonesia, dedicated to Trimurti, the expression of God as the Creator (Brahma), the Sustainer (Vishnu) and the Destroyer (Shiva). The temple compound located approximately 18 km east of Yogyakarta city on the boundary between Yogyakarta and Central Java province.
The temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, currently is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia, and is one of the largest Hindu temples in south-east Asia. It is characterised by its tall and pointed architecture, typical of Hindu temple architecture, and by the towering 47m high central building inside a large complex of individual temples.

Prambanan Temple

Kraton Yoyakarta/Kingdom of Yogyakarta

Kraton is the main object in the city of Yogyakarta. Historic buildings which are the palace and residence of the Sultan and his family was Hamengku Buwana founded in 1756. Sultan's Palace with all its customs and culture into community life of the spirit of Yogyakarta. Kraton is also a major tourist attraction in the city of Yogyakarta, both in terms of heritage buildings as well as customs that exist in it. In the Sultan's Palace beside the beauty of the past can be enjoyed through the architecture of the building, can also enjoy traditional art which is presented every day in Ward Manganti. Currently occupied by a family Kraton Sultan Hamengku Buwana X who became governor of the king at the same time in Yogyakarta.

Kraton Yogyakarta

Open: Monday - Sunday 08.00-14.00
Friday 08.00-12.00

Kraton Yogyakarta
Jl. Rotowijayan 1 Yogyakarta
Phone. 62 274 373177

Accomodation in Yogyakarta

Hyatt Regency Hotel
Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar, Yogyakarta 55581

The Cangkringan Spa & Villas Hotel Yogyakarta
Jl. Raya Merapi Golf Cangkringan Yogyakarta 55583

Sheraton Mustika Jogjakarta Resort and Spa
Jl Laksda Adisucipto KM 8,7 Yogyakarta 55282

Inna Garuda Hotel
Jl. Malioboro No. 60

Jayakarta Hotel
Jl. Laskda Adisucipto Km.8 Yogyakarta 55221
Brongto Hotel
Jl. Suryodiningratan
Santika Hotel
Jalan Jend. Sudirman 19 Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Melia Purosani Hotel
Jl. May. Suryotomo
Phone: +62-274-58952, 588072 / +62-274-588070, 588073
Novotel Hotel
Jl. Jendral Sudirman
Phone: +62-274-580930 / +62-274-580931
Quality Hotel
Jl. Laksda Adisucipto 48
Phone: +62-274-565005 / +62-274-565009
Sahid Raya Hotel
Jl. Babarsari Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-487583, 488888 / +62-274-487688, 487790
Saphire Hotel
Jl. Laksda Adisucipto Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-566222, 564727 / +62-274-566220
Ibis Hotel
Jl. Malioboro Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-516974 / +62-274-516977
Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel
Jl. Gejayan Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-584222 / +62-274-584200
Marcure Grand Hotel
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-566617 / +62-274-566856
Mutiara Hotel
Jl. Malioboro 18, Yogyakarta 55213
Phone: +62-274-563814 / +62-274-561201
Puri Artha Hotel
Jl. Cendrawasih Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-563288 / +62-274-562-765
Puri Dewata
Jl. Klurak Tamanmartani Kalasan
Phone: +62-274-496435 / +62-274-496435, 496354
Puri Ratu Kidul (Queen Of The South)
Jl. Girijati, Panggang Gunung Kidul
Phone: +62-274-367196 / +62-274-367197
Sejahtera Family Hotel & Apartment
Jl. Pringgodani 22, Demangan Baru Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-519339, 511355 / +62-274-519338
Arjuna Plaza Hotel
Jalan Mangkubumi 46 Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Phone: +62-274-513063, 561862 / +62-274-561862
Grace Hotel
Jl. Sosrowijayan
Phone: +62-274-560125 / +62-274-584759
Matahari Hotel
Jl. Parngtritis 123 Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-372020 / +62-274-372020
Mendut Hotel
Jl. Pasar Kembang Yogyakrta
Phone: +62-274-563435 / +62-274-513114
Batik Yogya II Hotel
Jl. Dagen, Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-561828 / +62-274-561-823
Bintang Matahari Hotel
Jl. Mangkuyudan 32, Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-376314, 384671 / +62-274372388
Cakra Kembang Hotel
Jl. Kaliurang Km. 5,5, Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-586807 / +62-274-563088
Dwipari Hotel
Jl. Pajeksan 76-78, Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-562813, 549908 / +62-274-519295, 515393
Ishiro Kencana Hotel
Jl. Kaliurang Km. 4,2 Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-520230, 520363
Istana Batik Hotel
Jl. Pasar Kembang, Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-587012, 589849 / +62-274-563824
Jogja village INN
Jl. Menukan 5, Karangkajen, Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-373031 / +62-274-382202
LPP Yogyakarta
Jl. Demangan Baru 8, Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-588380 / +62-274-588908
Seturan Pondok
Jl. Seturan Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-485629 / +62-274-486633
Akur Hotel
Jl. Mataram, Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-451036, 520526 / +62-274-451036, 451032
Ambarukmo Palace Hotel
Jalan Laksda Adisucipto Yogyakarta Indonesia
Phone: +62-274-488488
Jl. Kompol B. Suprapto 26, Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-561419, 558174 / +62-274-561640, 558175
Asia Afrika Hotel
Jl. Pasar Kembang Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-514489 / +62-274-560139
Bhineka Hotel
Jl. P. Mangkubumi 48, Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-513353 / +62-274-513353
Bintang Fajar Hotel
Jl. Mentri Supeno, Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-417630 / +62-274-415101
Borobudur Hotel
Jl. Magelang Km. 6,3, Jombor
Phone: +62-274-868271 / +62-274-868087
Bumi Asih Hotel
Jl. Kusumanegara No. 70, Yogyakarta
Phone: +62-274-380283, 381020 / +62-274-380283

Manado Beauty Place

Manado is a city in North Sulawesi province which is also the capital of the province. Location of Manado on the northern of Sulawesi island. Manado City area surrounded by mountains and therefore popular with the cool air. Manado is located at the edge of the Celebes Sea coast in the Bay of Manado, exactly. The beauty place you can find in Manado are Tondano lake, Lokon montain, Klabat montain, Mahawu montain and the most popular in Manado is Bunaken island, this is one of the most beautiful marine park in the word.

Danau Tondano or Tondano lake.

The lake is flanked by mountains Lembean, Mount Kaweng, Tampusu Hill, and Mount Masarang. The lake is surrounded by roads linking the provincial and city Tondano, East Tondano District, District Eris, District tools, Remboken District, and District of South Tondano. This lake is producing lake trout like fish mujair, pior / kabos, payangka wiko (small shrimp), nike and so on.

Tondano Island

Gunung Lokon or Montain Lokon

Mount Lokon is a mountain in Tomohon, North Sulawesi Province. This mountain has a height of 1689 m. At last erupted in 2001 (this writing in 2005), part of Manado City which is about 25 Km from the mountain, covered with dust rain flushed due to wind. Material dust ejected from the crater of this volcano-shaped lava and its height is estimated to reach 400 meters.
Mount Lokon at once broke out in October 1991 that caused material losses to reach USD 1 billion. Thousands of inhabitants in the village of Kakaskasen I, Kakaskasen II, Kinilow and Tinoor, when the local big evacuated to a number of areas judged to be vulnerable because of the roof destroyed thousands of houses hit by stones and dust as thick as 15 to 20 cm. In the disaster, a Swiss tourist, Vivian Clavel who visited during the great eruption can not be found. He confirmed to have died of cold lava avalanche buried.

Lokon Montain

Gunung Klabat or Klabat Mountain

Klabat mountain is the highest mountain in North Sulawesi province. The peak at around 2100 meters. This mountain community Tonsea (North Minahasa) also called Mount Tamporok. This mountain is a natural attractions and can be traced starting from Airmadidi (capital city of North Minahasa). This mountain is a volcano that no longer active. Klabat Mountain Peak has a small crater-shaped lake with very clear water. Klabat name becomes the name of the village immortalized Klabat, Klabat Stadium in Manado City, and at the City University Klabat Airmadidi.

Klabat Mountain

Gunung Mahawu or Mahawu Mountain

Mount Mahawu volcano Stratovolcano is located in the east of the volcano Mount-Mount Lokon Empung in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Mount Mahawu has a width of 180 m and 140 m deep crater with two cones Pyroclastic rock on the north slope. Small eruption occurred in 1789 dit. In 1994 there fumaroles and mud burst geyser activity that occurred along the crater lake of greenish color.

Mahawu Mountain

Pulau Bunaken or Bunaken Island

Bunaken is an island of 8 km², part of the Bunaken National Marine Park. Bunaken is located at the north of the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. It belongs administratively to the municipality of Manado. Scuba diving attracts many visitors to the island.
Bunaken National Park extends over an area of 890.65 km² of which only 3% is terrestrial, including Bunaken Island, as well as the islands of Manado Tua, Mantehage, Nain and Siladen.
The waters of Bunaken National Marine Park are up to 1,566 m deep in Manado Bay, with temperatures ranging between 27 to 29 °C. It has a high diversity of - corals, fish, echinoderms or sponges. Notably, 7 of the 8 species of giant clams that occur in the world, occur in Bunaken.
Oceanic currents may explain, in part, why Bunaken National Marine Park has such a high level of biodiversity. Northeasternly currents generally sweep through the park but abundant counter currents and gyros related to lunar cycles are believed to be a trap for free swimming larvae. This is particularly true on the south side of the crescent-shaped Bunaken Island, lying in the heart of the park. A snorkeler or diver in the vicinity of Lekuan or Fukui may spot over 33 species of butterfly fish and numerous types of groupers, damsels, wrasses and gobies. The gobies, smallish fish with bulging eyes and modified fins that allow them to attach to hard surfaces, are the most diverse but least known group of fish in the park.

Bunaken Island

Bunaken under water


There are many hotels at Manado, for transportation you may reserve using hotel's taxi.


Novotel Manado Golf Resort

Jl. A.A. Maramis Kayuwatu Manado
Phone : +62-431 818899, 818939

Sintesa Peninsula Hotel

Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Manado
Phone : +62-431 855008

Aston Manado Hotel

Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Manado
Phone : +62-431 8888989, 870555

Swiss-Belhotel Maleosan

Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 85-87 Manado
Phone : +62-431 861000

The Ritzy Hotel Manado

Jl. Piere Tendean (Boulevard) Manado
Phone : +62-431 855555
Email :

Santika Hotel

Kelurahan Tongkaina Kecamatan Bunaken Manado
Phone : +62-431 858222, 858333
Email :

Hotel Grand Puri Manado

Jl. Sam Ratulangi No. 458 Manado 95116
Phone : +62-431 822888

Travello Hotel

Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 123 Manado
Phone : +62-431 855999

Manado Quality Hotel

Jl. Piere Tendean No. 88-89 (Boulevard) Bahu Manado
Phone : +62-431 8883888

Sahid Manado Hotel

Jl. Babe Palar No. 1 Manado 95119
Phone : +62-431 851688
Email :

Sahid Kawanua Hotel Manado

Jl. Sam Ratulangi No. 1 Manado 95112
Phone : +62-431 867777
Email :

Hotel Plaza Manado

Jl. Walanda Maramis No. 1 Manado
Phone : +62-431 852222

Hotel Formosa

Kompleks Bahu Mall Manado (Boulevard)
Jl. W.R. Mongisidi No. 1 Blok NW Kel. Bahu
Phone : +62-431 854555

New Queen Hotel

Jl. Wakeke No. 12-14 Manado 95111
Phone : +62-431 855551, 853022